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Liberate Your Light


“Exultation is the going of the inland soul to sea,
Past the houses—past the headlands—
Into deep eternity”

Emily Dickinson

Do you wonder what it would feel like to...


Answer your biggest questions?

Know, love, and accept all of who you are?

Have the freedom and courage to go after your dreams?

Be happy, peaceful, and completely in love with your life?


Do you feel the call to explore something more?


Liberate Your Light is a private 1:1 coaching intensive for curious and courageous men and women seeking positive and purpose-driven change in order to feel the freedom, joy, and satisfaction of living as their fullest, brightest, most inspired self. 


Journeying together over six months, you will gain clarity on what your life has been building toward and what contribution you came here to make. With the support of compassionate coaching and guided self-introspection, you will leave behind your repeating patterns, sabotaging self-talk, and fears in order to live your purpose.


Liberate Your Light offers accelerated realization, integration, and activation through a holistic blend of intuitive coaching, guided self-discovery, and action.













Liberate Your Light Brings You Through Awakening into Action


The program has three initiating modules to crystallize your growth and forward momentum. Each module begins with an in-depth webinar to enhance your understanding of core consciousness teachings. Corresponding worksheets deepen your insight and help you get the most out of your bi-weekly one-on-one coaching sessions. 


This customized and consistent support ensures you are lovingly held every step of the way, guided not only by my training and experience but what you most need and what will be most relevant and helpful for you.

I am so excited to partner with you as you grow and expand into your brightest light.


Part 1: Dreaming Your Vision

This module empowers you to dream, reveals what you makes you unique, and clarifies what you want, whether that is something concrete like a new career or intangible like inner peace. To begin, we review fundamental concepts related to consciousness, universal laws, and manifestation so that you have a framework for understanding your creative abilities. With that foundation, I coach you in identifying your sacred values, which serve as your compass back to your true self and clues as to what wants to be expressed through you. In narrowing your life's intentions, you will craft a vision to create the story arc of your desired future, which builds excitement and starts moving energy in the direction of your aspirations.


Key questions that you will answer include:

  • Who am I?

  • What matters most to me?

  • What lights me up?

  • What do I really want?

  • How would I know that I have it?


Part 2: Rewriting Your Old Stories

This module empowers you to create a new life story aligned to your aspirations. First, you will receive a teaching on how beliefs shape reality, drawing on simple physics principles and neuroscience, so you can learn how to work with natural forces not against them. We will discuss the role of societal, familial, and religious programming and uncover the patterns repeating in your life. This allows us to identify and heal the core wound that is dimming your light. Finally, you will start to build the mindset that is a match to the life you want.


Key questions that you will answer include:

  • Why does it matter what I believe?

  • What is the story I have told myself about me?

  • Where are my current beliefs sabotaging my dreams?

  • What does the person living the life I want believe?

  • How can I use the power of my thoughts to create a better future?


Part 3: Living the New

This module ignites the power of love, compassion, and forgiveness to strengthen the foundations within you and elevate your perspective into higher consciousness. It begins with a teaching on what it means to be the light you are and how that light is always working on your behalf. I will coach you through loving and forgiving yourself and others for the past and learning to integrate and activate the wisdom gained through the program to build unshakable trust in yourself. Finally, we will celebrate the liberation of your light by playing with your vision to reflect the new energies and possibilities now opening up for you.


Key questions that you will answer include:

  • Why is love the key to higher consciousness?

  • Where can I extend compassion to myself and others?

  • How can I put my wisdom into practice?

  • Where can I dream even bigger?​

Young woman on field under sunset light.jpg
Hiking Path
Autumn Legs


  • 12 - 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions with mp3 replays for personalized support

  • 3 - 60 minute 1:1 classes with video replays to share wisdom teachings

  • 10 worksheets to guide you through self-discovery and insight

  • 24 weekly email check ins to stay in touch on what's coming up for you

  • Highest priority direct access (through Voxer and email) so you get answers quickly to your burning questions



  • 2 - 30 minute quick hit coaching sessions

  • Journal 

  • Pay-in-full discount available 

Interested in writing a new future for yourself?

The first step is to schedule a free consult.

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