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Why You Are Worthy - Without Question

How to use logic to let go of the idea of not being enough

pensive man
Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." Andy Warhol

Few of us look in the mirror and say, "I'm not worthy." Our self-talk or inner critic usually isn't that blunt. But that doesn't mean we aren't holding that belief—or some derivative of it—and letting it limit us. Anytime we think, "I can't have that, things never work out for me, or I don't deserve it," we are questioning our worthiness to have the life we want. When we negotiate against ourselves, such as by censoring our dreams, putting our fate in someone else's hands, or settling for less, we are feeding our sense of inadequacy.

Worthiness is another of our human concepts that isn't compatible with higher consciousness living. It is one of those judgment words that ceases to make sense once you tune into higher truths of who and what you really are.

From that higher perspective, being an "unworthy person" becomes an oxymoron like an ugly flower or free slave. You cannot be alive and unworthy at the same time.

As we tug at the string of unworthiness, we find a tangled mess of illusions. There are stories arising from challenging childhood experiences, as well as programming and conditioning that teaches us there is something inherently sinful, deficient, or unacceptable about us. Something that needs to be fixed, saved, or redeemed in order to be loved and deserving of a happy life (and afterlife, according to some religions). That pain is brutally real, but it arises from believing something about ourselves that isn't actually true.

If you exist, you are worthy. Infinitely worthy. Period. Case closed.

When we question our worthiness

When we say someone or something is worthy, we are saying it has value and merit. If we say those pretty earrings are worth the price tag, we are saying they have value to us that is equal to or greater than the dollars we would hand over. When we listen to a podcast or read an article, we are saying that what is provided is worth the time spent consuming it. (Thank you for reading BTW!!!)

There's nothing wrong with that. In a world that functions under time and money, we are constantly making judgment calls about where to place our resources and attention. The problem arises when we interpret the judgment calls and preferences of others as saying something about our value as a person. For example, your friend doesn't text you back. One line of thinking goes to, "she must be busy or she just doesn't like texting." Fine. You could even think she's moved on from the relationship or is upset with you. It's still making assumptions but you aren't judging. It's when we turn on ourselves and start thinking, "I've done something wrong, she's found cooler friends, or she sees me for the [insert favorite self-insult here] I really am," that we start the dark descent into unworthiness.

When we look outside of ourselves for love, validation, and esteem, we are looking for someone else to find us worthy because we are doubting ourselves.

We are believing that we aren't enough in some way, which usually leads to more fear. We are afraid of falling short of some standard, which is usually imposed on us by others but adopted and internalized by us. This sense of unworthiness changes how we perceive ourselves and limits us, as well as causes suffering. But just because someone else doesn't see our beauty or appreciate our innate worthiness doesn't mean there is anything lacking in us. The limited thinking of another does not create a deficiency in us.

The logic of infinite worth

What is it that we seek to be worthy of? Love? Happiness? Freedom? Are those actually bestowed upon us by others or available from within? Does it make sense that a fundamental desire like love or peace would be possible and available for some and not for others? That some humans would have a right to them and others would be denied? If worthy is a condition, who decides whether we have earned that status? To whom have we given that power?

I know it can be tough to apply logic to such existential questions, but let's try a little reasoning. If you believe, like I do, that existence is made possible through an infinitely expanding unseen energetic power that is made of something that goes so far beyond our human word for love, then it follows that we are also made of that energy. Let's call it light. Perhaps we imagine it like a source flame from which all candles are lit. If everything is born of that light, how could you be anything but light? How could you lack what you are made of? Why would you need to be deemed worthy of what you naturally are? You can hide that light, dim it, and pretend it's something else, but it doesn't change the nature of you.

If you exist (which obviously you do if you're reading this), you are part of that eternal light. You are part of its expansion, which grows through new experiences, perspectives, and expressions.

Why would an infinitely expanding light seek to limit you? Why would it judge you for the freedom and choice it created and sought to exercise through you?

In a paradigm where all experience is valued for its contribution to growth, why would we ever judge someone or something as less than or not enough?

We may not enjoy an experience but that is just part of the creative process. We can decide we want something different without judging ourselves as bad, wrong, or stupid for having created it. If we accept that life is a grand adventure and exploration of choice and experience, are there really any mistakes? What could you possibly create that deems you unworthy and strips you of that which you are? Again, if all that exists is light and you exist, you are light. If all that exists persists to infinity, you can never cease to be light. The only freedom we do not have is to stop being that light. Thus, the idea of worthiness and unworthiness is nonsensical, as is the idea of being "enough." You are so much more than just "enough," whether anyone else recognizes it or not.

What's worthiness got to do with it?

What might change for you when you take worthiness as a given? For starters, you expand what you see as possible because you free yourself to dream. No more are you taking options off the table because you don't think you deserve them or are not good, smart, pretty, talented, or whatever enough to create what you want in your life. You start to step into the mindset of a creator and claim your divine birthright of freedom, which places no limits on you.

When we drop the idea of worthiness, it's like instead of bailing water from a boat, we are pitching the sail or turning on the motor. We can go so much farther and faster.

You also find it easier to stop judging yourself and others because you realize that we are all beings of light here to have an experience. There are higher frequency experiences and lower frequency experiences, but they all play a role in the personal journey of awakening and expansion. If we are having a lower frequency experience that we don't enjoy, it is not because we are unworthy of something higher but because we need a little contrast to show us where there is room for growth and entice us to make a different choice that we'll like more. Anything we view as "bad" is just an invitation to allow more light to shine.

We all have moments of feeling like we are alone, unloved, and don't matter. That is part of what makes the human experience unique (and challenging). Our light is hidden from us and we forget who and what we are. But don't mistake the illusion for real. The love of all-that-is seeks its fullest expression through you as the love you are. That we all are. We are the love we seek. Worthiness has nothing to do with it. The real question isn't whether you are worthy of what you are but what you want to do with the freedom and power that is you.


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